I am feeling the start of a cold, zinc here I come! Must toughen up, ahead this weekend are more guests (!), a housewarming party for dear friend and a trip to the Mercury Lounge to see a friend play (oh yeah, day 24,25,26 of Bikram too). Hope I make it through....
Happy birthday Sam Cooke...
I did it! Website launched, Red Anchor Photo born into the world. So much gratitude for my friends at Rabe and Co, my man Ben who really pushed me to go for it, my parents--and of course: all the couples, mothers and friends who took a risk and had some faith in my capabilities.
Do you ever daydream of moving? This is on of my favorite past-times. Ben and I talk about LA, Arizona, Hawaii, Bacon NY, Thailand.... I can't imagine myself here in NYC forever. There is just too much beauty in this big 'ol world. People to see, places to go, things to do...
In the meantime, if I were a rich girl today I'd take off 3 months of work and live here to focus on the real work of life. Check out this amazing site Cabin Porn, my oh my, I want all of them!!
This weekend consisted of playing with kids, yoga, watching movies, making food, hosting friends from out of town. What did I learn this weekend? Something easy and something you can learn too! How to make felt cozies: