; lowtide HIGHTIDE: May 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy birthday and a few things...

Every Christmas season growing up my Uncle Ted would take me to the Nutcracker.  It was such a special tradition we shared between the two of us.  Peter Tchaikovsky's music we all know and love. (image found here).

Umm what a pic of Johannes Brahms! To stick with theme, his music is known in all over the world and is in more movies that I can recall.  Thank you for connecting me and educating me still to classical music in a time where it seems outside of cultural hipness! (image found here).

What ere your plans for this weekend ahead?   Do you ever have weekends that the whole words seems to happen at once?  Saturday I have two photo shoots, my cousin is in town and a birthday picnic I have yet to decide about.  Oh boy!  My ultimate goal is to find space between the movement and breath deep.

I have been eyeing rockers for some time now, this one is just perfect!  Do you think I can put it on hold for another year?  And the Etsy store is also has some beautiful finds.

I think I will make this Orecchitte recipe this weekend. Looks delish!

These photographs by UK artist Ryan Hopkinson are breathtaking.

Do you use Mason Jars? I love this simple DIY.

This haircut is too cute!'

Leibling  shoes are handmade in Israel, I only wish they were handmade for my feel here in NY!

Worth the read.

This Bond timeline is kinda amazing.

Are you doing anything for Mother's day?  I am holding off until next weekend to visit my Mom on Cape Cod.  I'll have Monday off so might as well, more love for my time!  HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the amazing women out there!  

Bless and Bisou Bisou!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Song for you...

It was a few months ago that a yoga teacher played this during Shavasana and my mind melted into a puddle of syrup infused with shimmering gold.

"There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in...."

Words for you...

"A leaf fluttered in through the window this morning, as if supported by the rays of the sun, a bird settled on the fire escape, joy in the task of coffee, joy accompanied me as I walked." Anais Nin

Art for you...


Caroling Wright. I love the connection to the world that surrounds.  Just beautiful.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Do you treat yourself?

Do you ever really treat yourself yourself? NO, I don't mean getting those shoes you can't afford or eating an ice cream sunday (which is all fine and fabulous). I mean treat your body, your mind?  My mom gave me a magnet in college that said "If you don't take care of your body where will you live?".  I think she was worried about the smoking and drinking that college sometimes induces.  Anyway, I have never forgotten these words. It can be so so challenging.  We can get so stressed and busy that we think have earned the right to take on bad habits-drinking, eating out, eating junk food, buying things. "I deserve it", we proclaim!  But sometimes the answer is easier, simpler.  If we just sit ourselves in a tub, surrounded by candles and lavender those other quick fixes might just evaporate into the air...and we will be brought right back to what is truly the root - our bodies, ourselves.

Treat yourself, even in times where you have no time.

Buying music for GOOD?

What a great idea.  I am of the mind that everything that is successful can gain from giving.  The magazine GOOD offers downloadable music that is pay-as-you-wish wherein they will donate the net proceeds to a worthy organization. How cool!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Design your body...

Porter Grey.

If I were a...

I have been thinking I really want a new night stand, but I am not at a place right now to spend the green for dream stand. What do you think of these?  Any favorites?

1. This idea is so simple.  There are cheese crates for $15 on ebay!  Could also be used for couch side table.
2. Easy. Classic. Love it!
3. LOVE LOVE THIS!  Simple, elegant, minimal.
4. If I lived in the woods I would go get a few of these right now...
5. This idea might not be best in my space, but such a clever idea!
6. Functional and easy.  I would want a different basket but could work!

Monday, May 7, 2012


So sorry loves I have been away.  I did think of you and I did miss you.  I has such a wonderful time upstate, with friends and beautiful views of the Hudson Vally.  There was a campfire sing-along,  Mint Julips, Pizza, Chickens and Rams!  And you, what were you up to?  Love.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Happy birthday and things and things...

My mom loves Willie and I grew up with this name and voice.  Happy birthday Wilie! (image found here)

I guess all the good 'ol country folk were born this week.  Here is to Pete Seegar (who resides un Hudson Vally!).  (image found here)

AudreyAudreyAudrey. Need I say more? (image found here). I love this group of birthday folk! What are your plans for the weekend darlings?  I am heading to Benmarl Winery for a Cinco de Mayo/Derby/Bean Bag party-tournament!  My friend Liz and Co (all the other people who help) organizes this every ear.  This year our good friend Stephen offered to host the event at his family's winery.  We might be in trouble with her perfect Mint Julep recipe, a Margarita station (which I am organizing) and, yikes, it's at a vineyard!    Hoping for sun for I already know the company is going to be A++ Bless and bisoubisou!I am sorry, this is just too good not to share.  I love this man.

Woman! Do you know how to handle your money- I have a long way to go


What a pretty tea towel.

Summertime sunshine for our feet!

Lovin' this Santigold song a friend sent me.

Could you do this (and in the summer!)?

Tae a look at Refinery29 office space.  So beautiful!

Which leads me to this amazing paint...give it to me now!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Song for you

When the night time comes I feel more free...

Hey Moon, by John Maus.
...the moon chased the sun out of the sky
goodbye sun! the night's begun
the moon chased the sun out of the sky
goodbye sunshine! the night is mine...

Words for you...

Be nobody's darling; 

Be an outcast. 
Take the contradictions 
Of your life 
And wrap around 
You like a shawl, 
To parry stones 
To keep you warm. 

Watch the people succumb 
To madness 
With ample cheer; 
Let them look askance at you 
And you askance reply. 

Be an outcast; 
Be pleased to walk alone 
Or line the crowded 
River beds 
With other impetuous 

Make a merry gathering 
On the bank 
Where thousands perished 
For brave hurt words 
They said. 

Be nobody's darling; 
Be an outcast. 
Qualified to live 
Among your dead. 

~Alice Walker

Art for you...


"I just like to draw things that happens in real life, I'm tired to visit contemporary art galleries or museums, all I find there it's just like visiting primary schools on a parent's day. They try to express themselfs in a random or painting fade throwed on a canvas or sticked trash into a litter. All it is shown is valid and allowed."

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


How rad is this vintage 60's hairdryer?  I have so much hair though I might break a fuse!

Personal brain gain...

Has anyone seen this Ted Talk give by William Li?  It is fascinating and mind blowing.  I implore you to watch, it might change your life (or save it?!).

Some things that might just save us?

-Green tea
-Soy beans
-Bok choy
-Olive oil
-Dark chocolate

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cauliflower pizza crust?

I made this friday (with varied toppings) and oh boy was it good!!!

If I were a...

Steps to doing nothing (umm, duh if you were a...)

1. Step 1.
2. Step 2.
3. Step 3.
4.  And now lets go here....
(ps: don't forget sunblock!)

Design your body


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